

Page history last edited by Pete Reilly 12 years, 2 months ago





EDIT 603: Foundations 1


Class Menu:

Class 1: Overview of the Impact of Technology in Education

Class 2: Personal Learning Communities and Technology Standards

Class 3: Educational Applications - Immigration 1

Class 4: Educational Applications - Immigration 2

Class 5: Educational Applications: Video

Class 6: Educational Applications: Software

Class 7: Online Learning

Class 8: Educational Technology Leadership Issues

Class 9: Personal Educational Technology Philosophy


DESCRIPTION: Foundational research on the integration of digital technologies in teaching, training, and learning considers the social, mental, and technical milieu of the digital medium in the second millennium.  The candidate explores, through primary source literature and cyber artifacts, the continuum of thought that frames the past, present, and future understanding of instructional technology within education, corporate, personal, and societal contexts.  This exploration leads to the candidates’ final project; a rigorous, web-based, well-documented personal philosophy initiates each candidate’s web-based professional portfolio.  Candidates are expected to make additions and revisions to this philosophy each succeeding semester as specified in the final portfolio requirements for the degree.  Field observations and experiences are required and integrated into the course.



Semester:  Spring 2010, Thursdays 4:30PM-8:30PM

Credits: 3 graduate credits

Time: This is a 9 week course.

Instructor:  Pete Reilly

E-mail: preilly328@gmail.com


NYIT School of Education’s Conceptual Framework

Diversity: Our commitment to diversity is tangible in all we do. Our programs seek to benefit all students and are offered in several delivery models at multiple sites. This variety offers modality options and expands access by reducing geographic and time barriers. By tapping the vast array of content material, formats, and instructional strategies candidates learn to create and customize instructional experiences to meet the specific needs of students and clients.


Technology: Technology is not just part of our name; it is substantively woven through out beliefs and actions. We see technology as the medium of communication and the foremost tool for teaching and learning: It entices, encourages, enables and empowers students (Silverman, 1990). Technology skills needed by professionals in the field are infused in every program design, from culinary arts and hospitality management to childhood education, and business and marketing education.


Field Relations: Our faculty members are experienced P-12 teachers, supervisors, superintendents, trainers, researchers, and, in our hospitality division, chefs and experienced restaurant owners, as well as doctorally-qualified academics. They continue to work closely with schools, agencies, and businesses. In addition, the education faculty works with state and local technology policy-makers and the developers of emerging technologies and educational applications.


Effective practice – Professionalism - Content expertise - Standards-based education 


NYIT Dispositions for Educators 

Diversity: Believes that all students can learn. Promotes social justice. Accepts diversity in family and social structures 


Effective Practice: Engages in theory and research-based practices š Makes data-driven decisions š Collaborates with educators, parents and others š Engages in reflective practices š Reflects on student learning š Applies instructional management strategies š Integrates technology in teaching, learning, and practice


Professionalism: Exhibits enthusiasm for ideas, change, and growth š Engages in ethical practices š Takes personal responsibility for work product and learning outcomes š Exhibits effective communication skills š Demonstrates empathy for others and respect for self š Contributes actively to the community of learners š Sets high standards for quality and performance š Is committed to lifelong learning


Required Materials and Website Access:

Task Stream www.taskstream.com/. You will need a Task Stream account for this class. 


Description of the Course:

The goals of this course are multiple. By the end of the semester, you should

1. Understand the overall affordances of technology for meaningful learning,

2. Understand how the affordances of technology intersect with current theories of learning;

3. Understand some of the issues entailed in teaching with technology;

4. Know how to use the specific technologies we work with during the course, and how each represents important concepts at the intersection of technology, teaching, and learning.  


Course Requirements and Basis for Grade:



Percent of Final Grade

Due Date

Participation in Discussions/In class assignments




Professional Learning Community Project



     -RSS Feed



Nets Standards Project










Thursday 5/13/10









Ellis Island Project Part 1

     -Google Earth


Ellis Island Project Part 2



     -Comic Life



Part 1




Part 2



Podcast & Movie Project




Digital Content Project

    -Online Textbooks

    -Online Courses

    -Online Resources


Personal Philosophy Project



Field Experience Log and Journal


Capstone Project




























How Final Grade will be Determined:

The instructor will assign grades to papers, presentations, and participation, using NYIT’s usual grading scale (i.e., 4.0, 3.0, etc.) An evaluation rubric will be provided for each assignment. 


Attendance Policy:

You are required to participate in weekly discussions. 


Policies regarding Due Dates:

Late papers are accepted only if you have contacted the instructor in advance of the due date, and he/she agrees to accept the paper late. The instructor has the right to refuse to accept a late paper and assign a grade of 0.  Generally, late papers are accepted only in very unusual circumstances such as sudden, serious illness or personal or family emergencies. The instructor may agree to accept a late paper but grade it by a higher standard because of the additional time available to work on it. 


Incomplete Grades:

Grades of “I” will be assigned only in the event of serious illness, accident, or family emergencies that arise in the last third of the semester. Before receiving an “I” grade, you must put in writing your understanding of what requirements you need to complete, and your instructor must agree.  


Information for Students with disabilities and/or special needs:

If you have special needs for instructional accommodations to assist your learning or assessments, please contact your instructor.   


Other resources about NYIT and the Instructional Technology master’s program:

The Blackboard site for your section includes links to several resources at NYIT (e.g., information about the master’s program, etc.) 


Academic Integrity and Plagiarism policies

Each student enrolled in a course at NYIT agrees that, by taking such course, he or she consents to the submission of all required papers for textual similarity review to any commercial service engaged by NYIT to detect plagiarism. Each student also agrees that all papers submitted to any such service may be included as source documents in the service’s database, solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. 

Plagiarism is the appropriation of all or part of someone else’s works (such as but not limited to writing, coding, programs, images, etc.) and offering it as one’s own. Cheating is using false pretenses, tricks, devices, artifices or deception to obtain credit on an examination or in a college course. If a faculty member determines that a student has committed academic dishonesty by plagiarism, cheating or in any other manner, the faculty has the academic right to 1) fail the student for the paper, assignment, project and/or exam, and/or 2) fail the student for the course and/or 3) bring the student up on disciplinary charges, pursuant to Article VI, Academic Conduct Proceedings, of the Student Code of Conduct. The complete Academic Integrity Policy may be found on various NYIT Webpages, including:



Description of Major Assignments:

Weekly Participation. Students are required to attend class and participate in discussions. 


Directions for Technology Skills:

In this portion of your Task Stream folder for this course, you will place evidence of your integration of technology in teaching and learning activities. Specific examples of artifacts will be provided by your course instructor. Students will demonstrate the following:

TS01 - Use computer-based productivity tools to develop instructional materials that integrate technology to meet the target needs of all students.

TS02 – Demonstrate knowledge of using data for instructional planning.

TS06 - Locate and evaluate instructional materials that meet target needs of diverse student populations.

TS07 - Use web-based technology and tools for the development and delivery of instructional materials that are designed to meet target needs of diverse student populations.

TS08 - Use content-specific technology and/or tools and develop strategies for their integration in the classroom to meet the target needs of diverse student populations.

TS10 - Utilize and evaluate the effectiveness of instructional materials that integrate technology to meet the needs of diverse student populations.


Professional Learning Community Project

The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with the Web 2.0 (the Read-Write Web). You will locate several blogs, wikis, and/or podcasts that are useful to your professional practice and will subscribe to them via RSS feeds. You will also find Educational Portals that are appropriate. You will create your own blog for this class and write an original post for your blog at least once per week for the remainder of the course. You will comment on at least one classmate’s blog per week for the remainder of the course. You will also populate your course Wiki with links to your blog, to the blogs in your RSS feed, to the educational portals and resources that you have found in your research.  


Immigration Project - Ellis Island (1830-1920)

This assignment provides a generic curriculum framework for you to work within as you familiarize yourself with important technology tools, resources, and teaching strategies. Underlying the experience is the belief that professional development experiences should utilize project-based activities that model the strategies we would like to see teachers try in their classrooms.  Project-based classrooms are engaging and empowering, and utilize 21st century skills such as: initiative and self-direction, adaptability and flexibility, as well as communication and collaboration.


You will publish a project on Immigration to your Wiki. Use Google Earth to document the voyage of a particular group of immigrants that traveled through Ellis Island during the designated time period. Create an online timeline to document important aspects of immigration during the era. Create a ScreenCast that illustrates the struggles of immigrants to the New World. Use Comic Life to illustrate one theme you think is important from the era. Find additional resources and activities specific to your subject area or grade level and include them in your project.


Podcast & Video Project 

Each student will create a 2-3 minute podcast or movie relevant to their classroom subject area(s).  Students will demonstrate proficiency in creating a podcast, adding appropriate music and/or sound effects, uploading the completed project to their blog and explaining how podcasting and vidcan support learning and student-created content in the classroom. 


Create two movies. The assignment has three requirements. 1) It should be related to your subject area and grade level. 2) It should require the production of 2 short movies (each less than 1 min). 3) Each movie should have its own music soundtrack and narration. 


Digital Content Project  

Explore educational software and online resources that might be appropriate for your subject area or grade level. Present your findings to the class using appropriate technology.


Field Experience Keystone Assignment

In this Task Stream folder you will provide documentation for the field experience activities and hours completed in this course.

Field Experience Assignment Options (5 hours) include:

  • Provide parent workshops on technology integration into the curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

  • Offer professional development for teachers in technology integration into instruction and assessment.

  • Collaborate with the computer club teacher regarding technology projects.

  • Model lessons that incorporate technology integration for differentiating learning through your school and/or district.

  • Plan and implement a collaborative Internet curriculum project for yourself and others in your school.

  • Present at a local/regional/state/national professional conference about technology integration in the curriculum aligned with standards and its affect on student assessments.

  • Participate on the school improvement, curriculum, or technology committee in school, district, or professional organization.

  • Complete other assignments on approval by instructor.


Personal Philosophy Assignment

Engage in the process of deep reflective research and study to create a thoughtful, guiding philosophy that demonstrates an appreciation of the dramatic changes in culture and society brought about by technology including its impact on learning. Your philosophy should integrate your knowledge, understandings and beliefs resulting from course readings, research and discussions. It should be an explicit explanation of the core beliefs and practices that will guide your use of instructional technology in your professional practice.


In your philosophy consider addressing your instructional goals, methods, strategies, student population and most importantly some core educational constructs that guide your professional practice. A quotation, idea, analogy, or metaphor could serve as the foundation of your philosophy. The philosophy should be personal and reflective; it should be understandable by a broad audience, thereby avoiding technical terms and jargon where possible. The following criteria will be used to assess your philosophy:

  • The philosophy is a reflective, first person narrative that explains the author’s ideas and beliefs about teaching, learning, and the use of technology in an educational setting.
  • The philosophy is founded on some core constructs.
  • The philosophy cites educational theorists who inspire or reflect the author’s core beliefs and includes hyperlinks to relevant Internet site on them.
  • The philosophy is two to three word processed pages in length.
  • The philosophy includes digital images and hyperlinks to supporting research and literature.
  • The philosophy is submitted to the course site and published to the author’s classs Wiki.




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