This section organizes resources into three parts:
1. Good Examples of Tech Use by Classroom Teachers
Student Created Vocabulary Blog

This is a MS English teacher's, student created, vocabulary blog for the book, "The Outsiders".
Middle School Book Review Blog

This is Byrd Middle School’s book review blog. Teachers, students and parents are encourage to submit their book reviews in text, audio or video for inclusion.
New Zealand Classroom Blog

Welcome to our class blog. We are the year 2/3 kids (6 & 7 year olds) from Room 9 at Nelson Central School in New Zealand. There are 23 of us in our class and our teacher is Rachel Boyd. We hope you enjoy sharing in our learning.
11 Year Old Blogs With a Purpose

Albert Stockman was my grandpa. He loved helping other people, and he believed that everybody could make the world a better place, not just by doing big things, but by doing small things too! My grandpa once told me that I was a leader. Even though he called me “Lit-tle Laura”, he made me feel big and strong inside.
In December of 2007, I decided that the best way to remember my grandpa during the holiday season would be by living my life like he did, by making a difference and being a leader. I decided to honor my grandfather’s memory by trying to make a difference every day for twenty five days. I wanted to be able to do little things, like kids my age typically do, instead of HUGE things that are sometimes hard for kids like me. I decided to write about my adventures here, and I also created a challenge.
Compilation of Wiki Sites Created by Students

This site contains good examples of educational Wiki sites created by students.
Collaborative Student Created Wiki

During this project, the Horizon 2008 Report will have its trends "student sourced" as students from around the world analyze, compile information, and share their predications based on the report in a "Wikinomics"-style mass collaboration. This project is in the second year with the first project, winning multiple awards and recognition.
Here is the link to the 2007 project.
Harriet Tubman Web Page
The students in Mrs. Taverna's second grade class at Pocantico Hills School in Sleepy Hollow, New York have been learning about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. We read about Harriet. We wrote about Harriet. Mrs. Taverna and Mrs. Hongell, (our computer teacher), helped us write this web site to share with other children.
Classroom WIki for 8th Grade Math Students

This is a classroom blog hub for Grade 8 Math students at Sargent Park School.
Comic Life in History and English Class

Click on the image to see Comic Life used in history class.

Using Comic Life for student created vocabulary lessons.

Using Comic Life for Mythology.
Elementary Student Created Podcasts & Class Blogs

Willowdale Elementary School examples of classroom created Podcasts, Blogs, Web Pages, and other uses of technology.
Student Created Web Page on MacBeth
Students create an online resource for reading MacBeth
Google Earth Outreach

Examples of using Google Earth for relevant and meaningful projects.
Google Map of the Casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan

Mashup of Google Earth and Coal Strip Mining Data

This simple piece of software demonstrates the power of technology to engage students even when there are no 3D graphics, explosions, or soundtracks.
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