
Class 9: Personal Educational Technology Philosophy

Page history last edited by Pete Reilly 14 years, 7 months ago


Class 9: Personal Philosophy of Educational Technology


June 24, 2010





Exemplar Presentations


Review Personal Philosophy Projects


General Review

1. Transforming Teaching and Learning

               Students, World, Literacy, Tools

               Current Technology Deployment Model

               21st Century Skills              

               Entertainment, Engagement, Empowerment

               *John Taylor Gatto - Education and Responsibility Video

               *edtechjourneys wiki- Student Empowerment


2. Professional Learning Communities

               Nets Standards for Students, Teachers, Administrators

               Web 2.0 v Web 1.0

              *How would you transform the following Web Resources so that they become more Web 2.0 ish?

    •      www.mapquest.com
    •      www.marriott.com



                        Tom Snyder's Timeliner

               Blogs, Wikis, RSS feeds, Delicious, Flickr (tagging)

               Professional Learning Community

               Teacher Designed PD


3. Educational Applications

               Deep Searching (non-web pages)

               Primary Source Materials


               Timelines 2.0

               *Comic Life


4. Educational Applications Part 2

               Technology Integration Matrix

               Rubrics for Assessing Project Based Learning

               Google Earth

               Comic Life


5. Educational Software

               Explore Educational Software

               The Impact of Technology on Teaching and Learning List


6. Video Applications

               Virtualization, Cloud Computing, One to One Computing


               Online Editing

               Podcasts/Vodcasts - iTunes University


               Broadcasting - uStream


7. Online Learning

               Online Universities

               K-12 Online

               Online Textbooks

               *Virtual Worlds




                Lessons from the Heart


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Vision of Students Today Video



Ed Tech Leadership Discussion

Leadership Elements (Exercise) & Team Elements (Exercise)

Analyze a Speech

          Accountability - Leading from the Inside Out (Domino's/Books)


          Beliefs - About ourselves and others (Dulcinea video)

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 Embodiment & Courage/Heart (Demonstration) & (Norma Rae video)

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          Center: Alignment of Purpose, Beliefs, Actions

          Practices - For Change

Trust - Maintaining & Building

Gratitude (1st person thank you)

          Analyze a Speech

          Gifts (Exercise)


Task Stream Issues



Personal Philosophy

Engage in the process of deep reflective research and study to create a thoughtful, guiding philosophy that demonstrates an appreciation of the dramatic changes in culture and society brought about by technology including its impact on learning. Your philosophy should integrate your knowledge, understandings and beliefs resulting from course readings, research and discussions. It should be an explicit explanation of the core beliefs and practices that will guide your use of instructional technology in your professional practice.


In your philosophy consider addressing your instructional goals, methods, strategies, student population and most importantly some core educational constructs that guide your professional practice. A quotation, idea, analogy, or metaphor could serve as the foundation of your philosophy. The philosophy should be personal and reflective; it should be understandable by a broad audience, thereby avoiding technical terms and jargon where possible. The following criteria will be used to assess your philosophy:

  • The philosophy is a reflective, first person narrative that explains the author’s ideas and beliefs about teaching, learning, and the use of technology in an educational setting.

  • The philosophy is founded on some core constructs.

  • The philosophy cites educational theorists who inspire or reflect the author’s core beliefs and includes hyperlinks to relevant Internet site on them.

  • The philosophy is two to three word processed pages in length.

  • The philosophy includes digital images and hyperlinks to supporting research and literature.

  • The philosophy is submitted to the course site and published to the author’s classs Wiki.



Field Experience Log and Journal

A minimum of five hours of field experience is required for this course. This experience should take the form of observation and participation in technology-rich classrooms and schools to the extent that the host teacher is comfortable. It may include:

  • Offering professional development to teachers in the use of instructional technology.

  • Collaboration with a computer teacher to offer instruction to students.

  • Model lessons that differentiate instruction using technology.

  • Plan and implement a collaborative technology-based project in your school or district.

  • Complete other projects approved by the instructor.


Field experience time must be documented with appropriate signatures on the time log. The documentation, including the journal entries must be submitted to the instructor no later than the last class session. No grade will be issued to a student who has not submitted the required documentation. A minimum of five journal entries, one for each hour of the field experience, must be completed in a field experience journal and posted to the course site. These reflective journal entries should capture the thoughts, ideas, and feelings of the candidate, relating the field experience to the course content and learning experiences. The journal entries should not be a simple account of what transpired during the field experience. The reflective journal entries should be done in Microsoft Word as one document and posted to the course site. The entries should be posted to the author’s blog site and to their class Wiki’s.




The North Star





Where Will Life Take You?


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The Journey

          by Mary Oliver


One day you finally knew

What you had to do, and began,

Though the voices around you

Kept shouting

Their bad advice-

Though the whole house

Began to tremble

And you felt the old tug

At your ankles.


“Mend my life!”

Each voice cried.

But you didn’t stop.

You knew what you had to do,

Though the wind pried

With its stiff fingers

At the very foundations-

Though their melancholy

Was terrible.


It was already late

Enough, and a wild night,

And the road full of fallen

Branches and stones.


But little by little,

As you left their voices behind,

The stars began to burn

Through the sheets of clouds,

And there was a new voice,

Which you slowly

Recognized as your own,

That kept you company

As you strode deeper and deeper

Into the world,

Determined to do

The only thing you could do-

Determined to save

The only life you could save.




A New Earth 


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The Way It Is

by William Stafford


There is a thread you follow

It goes among things that change,

but it does not change.



People wonder what you are pursuing.

You have to explain about the thread,

but it is hard for others to see.


While you hold it, you can’t get lost.

Tragedies happen,

people get hurt,

or die,

And you suffer and get old.


Nothing you can do can stop time



But you don’t ever let go of the thread.



In School-Days


 Still sits the school-house by the road,

A ragged beggar sleeping;

Around it still the sumachs grow,

And blackberry-vines are creeping.


Within, the master's desk is seen,

Deep-scarred by raps official;

The warping floor, the battered seats,

The jack-knife's carved initial;


The charcoal frescoes on its wall;

Its door's worn sill, betraying

The feet that, creeping slow to school,

Went storming out to playing!


Long years ago a winter sun

Shone over it at setting;

Lit up its western window-panes,

And low eaves' icy fretting.


It touched the tangled golden curls,

And brown eyes full of grieving,

Of one who still her steps delayed

When all the school were leaving.


For near it stood the little boy

Her childish favor singled;

His cap pulled low upon a face

Where pride and shame were mingled.


Pushing with restless feet the snow

To right and left, he lingered;---

As restlessly her tiny hands

The blue-checked apron fingered.


He saw her lift her eyes; he felt

The soft hand's light caressing,

And heard the tremble of her voice,

As if a fault confessing.


"I'm sorry that I spelt the word:

I hate to go above you,

Because,"---the brown eyes lower fell,---

"Because, you see, I love you!"


Still memory to a gray-haired man

That sweet child-face is showing.

Dear girl! the grasses on her grave

Have forty years been growing!


He lives to learn, in life's hard school,

How few who pass above him

Lament their triumph and his loss,

Like her, because they love him.


John Greenleaf Whittier




When Death Comes

By Mary Oliver


When death comes

like the hungry bear in autumn;

when death comes and takes all the bright coins from his purse


to buy me, and snaps the purse shut;

when death comes

like the measle-pox;


when death comes

like an iceberg between the shoulder blades,


I want to step through the door full of curiosity, wondering:

       what is it going to be like, that cottage of darkness?


and therefore I look upon everything

as a brotherhood and sisterhood,


and I look upon time as not more than an idea,

and I consider eternity as another possibility,


and I think of each life as a flower, as common

        as the field daisy, and as singular,


and each name a comfortable music in the mouth,

      tending, as all music does, toward silence,


and each body a lion of courage, and something

precious to the earth.


When it’s over, I want to say: all my life

       I was a bride married to amazement.

I was the bridegroom, taking the world in my arms.


When it’s over, I don’t want to wonder

if I have made of my life something particular, and real.

      I don’t want to find myself sighing and frightened,

or full of argument.


I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.








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