Class 3: Educational Applications - Immigration 1



Class Three: Educational Applications

Immigration Part 1 


May 20, 2010







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Review the NETs Project - Due

     More Resources:

ISTE NETS Implementation Home

     `   ISTE Connects Video


Compare this rubric to the NETS for Students

     From: Florida Center for Instructional Technology



Review PLC Project - Due 

 More Resources

Best Teacher Blogs

Huge List of Educational Bloggers

50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom



Develop the Immigration Project: Part 1

     1. Each team member creates a project wiki

     2. Introduce Screencasting

     3. Introduce Timeline

     4. Introduce 'Deep' searching

     5. Application Help Page

     6. Project-Based Learning Rubrics



Immigration Project Part 1

Ellis Island Experience






This is a professional development activity that provides a generic curriculum framework for teachers to work within as they familiarize themselves with important technology tools, resources, and teaching strategies. Since teachers in the cohort represent a wide variety of subject areas and grade levels, the project differentiates learning by allowing individuals to pursue ‘sub-projects’ that are relevant to their classrooms while contributing to the overall success of the Immigration Project.


Underlying the experience is the belief that professional development experiences should utilize project-based activities that model the strategies we would like to see teachers try in their classrooms.  Project-based classrooms are engaging and empowering, and utilize 21st century skills such as: initiative and self-direction, adaptability and flexibility, as well as communication and collaboration.


It is important to note that the Immigration Project is not meant to be a technology training; but focuses on technology resource and tool awareness, as well as project-based applications of these resources and tools.


Project Deliverable:

Each team member will publish a project on Immigration to their personal Wiki. This will reinforce the importance of publishing to a larger audience, collaboration, and communication. Even though you are creating your own project, you team is there to support you throughout the project.


Part 1. General Research and Background

Develop and publish non-subject area or grade level specific information and research on Ellis Island and the immigrants who passed through it during this period.


Suggested Team Activities:  Each team creates a General Research and Background Section for the Immigration Project. This section should consist of:

1) Research and publish primary source and relevant historical documents and at least one photo;

2) Research and publish at least one YouTube video;

3) Research and publish something from a Google Book Search and/or another web resource.

4) Create a link to an annotated timeline (xtimeline). Here is a site with Help Videos for xtimeline. (Include a photo and/or video, along with appropriate text.) (TimeGlider)

5) Create a multimedia ScreenCast with voice over to provide background information on Ellis Island during this period.



Here is a students class project (ScreenCast) on the history of Ellis Island.


YouTube plugin error



Here is a student created Immigrant Project:  ThinkQuest Example.


Applied Skills:

Familiarization with: ScreenCasting, Google Book Search in addition to searching web sites, YouTube as an instructional resource, the power of primary sources, creating an annotated timeline.